The Lark and the Loon are a songwriting duo consisting of husband/wife team Jeff Rolfzen and Rocky Steen-Rolfzen. Named after the state bird from which they were born the two bring their distinct writing styles together in what they call an exploration in the etymology of American music. They take inspiration from prewar blues and jazz, Irish dance music, Sea shanties, and dustbowl folk songs. Their debut album "Songbirds and Fog" was recorded in their cabin home in the Ozarks after a period of heavy isolation and was met with fast critical acclaim. Their follow up album “Homestead Hands” contains songs focused on the American West and themes of rural life. As said by Netherlands based reviewer The Next Gig: “The Lark and The Loon, takes you to past times, but also paints a picture of modern-day America viewed from a farm in Arkansas.” The album received praise for its thematic elements, and garnered radio play across America and several other countries around the world.
Heralded for their harmonies, duets, and musicianship the two have enjoyed touring extensively both in the United States and abroad. When not on the road they enjoy the comfort of their Ozark home where they garden in the rocky soil, hike the scenic hills, and soak in the tranquility before their next venture.
Doors open at 6pm, $7 cash cover.