Thanks for your interest in booking a show with us! Please check out our booking criteria below.

  • Check out the ‘About’ section of our website and learn more about Ted’s. We are a very small and intimate listening room venue, so the audience is seated, quiet, and attentive. We love for our artists to share stories about their songs and engage with the audience throughout the show.

  • Have you checked our calendar to see if the dates you are asking about are available? We mostly host shows Friday, Saturday, and Sunday but occasionally do some shows during the week if it fits our other work schedules.

  • Does your genre fit our venue? We book a lot of folk, Americana, piedmont blues, bluegrass, and jazz. Check out some of the artists we are booking under the ‘Calendar’ section.

  • Does your setlist consist of 80% of original material? We don’t mind a few cover songs, but the majority of your performance should be original music. We make exceptions to this rule for jazz and bluegrass musicians, but you still need to be prepared to talk with the audience in between songs and share what you know about the music you’re performing- creating a real “show” like feel. We also do tribute shows on occasion where artists give their take on a specific musician. These shows are almost lecture like, but are very well received by our audience.

  • Do you have fans you can bring to a show at Ted’s? Payment is a door deal and while we do have a small consistent crowd at Ted’s, it will not be a successful night for anyone if you don’t have a built in fanbase. If you are new to the area or just starting out playing gigs, we suggest inquiring at local bars and breweries first before reaching out for a gig at Ted’s.

  • Are you a touring musician with multiple gigs in Wilmington over the same weekend? It is not beneficial for either party if you are playing free shows in town in addition to our show where we charge for tickets.

  • Are you a full band with drums? WE NO LONGER HOST FULL BANDS WITH DRUMS AND AMPED INSTRUMENTS. It’s just too loud in our very small space. If you are interested in an acoustic show and can provide live video of your drummer using hot rods or a smaller set up, we will consider it.

  • Do you want to share the bill with a local musician? We are happy to send over some ideas of people for you to reach out to in the area.

If you fit the criteria, please EMAIL Whitney at (we do not respond to booking inquiries in Facebook or Instagram messages) with the following information:

  • A direct link to a professional video of you performing live - if you have multiple, that’s great!

  • Social media, a concise bio, and other information we can use to market your show.

  • A range of dates you are available to book.

    We thank you and appreciate your attention to this page! This ensures that we have the right information from you and you know a little more about Ted’s. If you do not hear back from us within 2 weeks, feel free to follow up.

    Please bear in mind that we receive a very high volume of emails and have only so many dates to book. Though you may not hear back from us, we read and review all emails and will keep your inquiry/information on file for future opportunities.